Mon, 30 November 2020
I've had many "my relationship is on the brink, what do I do?" questions from listeners lately. When one person is half out the door, standard-issue relationship advice and conventional marriage counseling approaches can make things worse. Join me! More relationship questions? Leave them for me (and help yourself to more free resources) on the blog at
Direct download: Discernment_Counseling_-_111620_6.39_AM.mp3
Category:How to, Self Improvement, Mental Health, Relationships -- posted at: 2:00pm MDT |
Mon, 23 November 2020
Were you the perfect child? The clown? The scapegoat? If you weren't who your family needed you to be, did other people fall apart? Join me!
Direct download: Dysfunctional_Family_Roles_-_102120_7.35_AM.mp3
Category:How to, Self Improvement, Mental Health, Relationships -- posted at: 2:00pm MDT |
Mon, 23 November 2020
If you have anxiety about coronavirus, you’re not alone. Many people have been experiencing Covid anxiety, and understandably so. The virus is spreading, things are being canceled, schools and businesses are closing, and these are uncertain times. There's lots in the news about how to protect your physical health, but not so much info about how to protect your mental health from coronavirus-related anxiety. Help is here: On this episode I’m sharing practical strategies for how to manage Corona anxiety using helpful cognitive-behavioral strategies so that you can stay in a good place mentally and emotionally during this challenging time. Wishing you love, happiness, success and health, PS: In addition to the anxiety management strategies I shared on this episode I mentioned a couple of resources that you might use in addition to online therapy for anxiety. These include:
Direct download: Covid19-Anxiety_-_31320_7.35_AM.mp3
Category:How to, Self Improvement, Mental Health -- posted at: 6:45am MDT |
Mon, 23 November 2020
Dr. Lisa here, doing a swan dive into your podcast feed a little early today to let you know that if you've been experiencing a resurgence of "covid anxiety" lately, you're not alone. I'm re-releasing my "How to Cope With Covid Anxiety" podcast episode for you right now, and will be back in touch later today with a new episode. Wishing you all the best,
Direct download: Covid_Anxiety_Podcast_-_112320_8.38_AM.mp3
Category:How to, Self Improvement, Mental Health -- posted at: 6:00am MDT |
Mon, 9 November 2020
Long distance relationships have unique challenges, but love from a distance can work beautifully. In today's episode I'm answering your long distance relationship questions around:
P.S. If you have questions about your relationship share them in the comments of the "Long Distance Relationship Questions" post so I can answer them. While you're on, be sure check out the other articles and podcasts we have on this topic. It's all for you!
Direct download: Love_At_A_Distance-_Long_Distance_Relationships_-_10720_12.46_PM.mp3
Category:How to, Self Improvement, Mental Health, Relationships -- posted at: 2:00pm MDT |
Mon, 2 November 2020
Difficult conversations are tough to have, and easy to avoid (or botch). But authentic communication is vital for healthy relationships — especially when it's about something that is really important to you. It's at times like these that productive, compassionate "critical conversations" are so crucial.
Direct download: How_to_Have_Difficult_Conversations_-_102120_4.41_AM.mp3
Category:How to, Self Improvement, Mental Health, Career, Relationships -- posted at: 2:00pm MDT |