Love, Happiness and Success with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby


Depression, Anxiety, Positive Thinking
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Self Help, Self Esteem, Productivity
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Marriage, Weddings, Self Help, Relationship Advice
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Self Help, Relationships, Friendships
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Love, Happiness and Success
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Relationships, Self Improvement, Mental Health
Self Improvement, Mental Health, Relationships,
Self Improvement, Mental Health, How To, Nutrition, Alternative Health
Self Improvement, Relationships, Mental Health
Self Improvement, Mental Health, Relationships, Career
How to, Self Improvement, Mental Health, Career, Relationships
Relationships, Marriage, Communication
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relationships, how to, mental health
Relationships, Mental Health, Self Improvement
Self Improvement, Mental Health, Relationships
Mental Health, Relationships, Social Justice, Self Improvement, Relationships
Mental Health, Self Improvement
Mental Health, Self Improvement, Relationships
How to, Self Improvement, Mental Health, Relationships
Mental Health, Self Improvement, Career, Relationships, How To
How to, Self Improvement, Mental Health, Parenting, Career, Relationships
Self Improvement, Careers, Mental Health, How To
How to, Self Improvement, Mental Health, Careers, Relationships
How to, Relationships, Self Improvement, Mental Health
How To, Self Help, Relationships, Mental Health, Marriage
Self-Improvement, How To, Mental Health, Relationships
Relationships, How To, Self Improvement
How-To, Self Help, Mental Health, Relationships, Life Coaching, Changing Habits
How To, Mental Health, Career Change, Career Advice, Job Change, Career Change
How-to, Self-Improvement, Fitness, Mental Health, Social Sciences, Relationships,
How to, Mental Health, Self Help, Relationships, Career
Divorce, Breakups, Relationships, How To, Self Help, Parenting, Dating
Relationships, How To, Self Help, Self Improvement, Marriage, Mental Health
How To, Self Improvement, Relationships, Mental Health, Parenting, Social Sciences, Careers
Self Help, How To, Relationships, Mental Health, Career
Relationships, Breakups, How To, Divorce, Reconcilliation













September 2022
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Wouldn't it be amazing if you just felt genuinely happy with yourself, and your life, and like things were just the way they should be?

Contentment is more than a mood state; it’s a mindset you can cultivate. It encompasses happy feelings, but also appreciation, gratitude, satisfaction, and peace. While happiness always wants more, contentment takes pleasure in what is. If contentment had a mantra it would be this: All is well in my world and I am so grateful to be exactly where I am. 

While that is truly what we all want, it can also feel anxiety provoking to embrace contentment, especially for high achievers who worry if they stop striving, they stop moving forward.

Today’s episode of the podcast is all about cultivating contentment. We’re talking about how you can take greater joy in your life exactly the way it is, while still growing, evolving, and yes, even striving for more.  


With love, 


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Direct download: Cultivating_Contentment.mp3
Category:Self-Improvement, How To, Mental Health, Relationships -- posted at: 4:00pm MDT

You know that it's important to stay in touch with your self by tuning into your feelings, but how? And, which ones?

Knowing how to tap into your emotions in healthy ways puts you in touch with your values, it provides empathy for others, and it helps you know who you are, what you want, and how to show up for others.

Unfortunately, most of us don’t receive much help building these skills and the result is often that we feel overwhelmed by confusing feelings... or don't feel much at all.

I hope this episode of the podcast helps you think about feeling your feelings in a new light, and gives you some fresh ideas about how you can use your emotional guidance system to create the life you want. 


With love, 


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

How can you make a hard decision when you have no idea what the future holds? 


Should you quit your job? Cut off contact with your difficult friend? Buy the condo, or the house? Marry your partner? Dump your partner?


These are all complex questions with many variables, and it can feel incredibly confusing to weigh the pros and cons of each — particularly when you know that the decision may have a big impact on your life trajectory.


Help is here. This episode of the podcast will teach you how to make hard decisions using your internal wisdom, and the incomplete information you have about the future.


Joining me are two of my Growing Self colleagues with a lot of experience with this topic. Alejandra P. is a marriage counselor on our team who helps people find clarity about their relationships, and Kristi H. is an experienced career coach and counselor who helps people navigate big, bold career changes. 


If you’re facing a hard decision, listen to this episode, and get clarity and confidence about how to move forward.


With love, 


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby 

If you’re a hardworking, talented, and career-driven person, you probably aspire to be a leader some day. It’s easy to understand why. “Being a boss” can feel like a natural next step after years or even decades of hard work and professional achievement. 


But being a good boss requires a number of skills that are separate from the ones that probably got you promoted. When you become a leader, your talents for writing code, or planning weddings, or stamping out widgets at the widget factory become insignificant overnight, and your career success begins to depend instead on how well you communicate, motivate, and connect with the hearts and minds of others. 


Most people find this shift harder than they expected. They often end up feeling overwhelmed, burned out, and less sure of themselves than they felt before becoming a boss. Many seek out career counseling or leadership coaching to learn not only how to be a boss, but how to be a good boss, capable of leading a team of talented people to accomplish great things. They begin a process of personal growth that makes them more aware, more influential, and more courageous, at work and in every other area of their lives. 


This episode of the podcast is for anyone who leads other people, or who hopes to someday. As a small business owner myself, I can tell you that being a good boss is not a destination, but an ongoing journey that will challenge you in unexpected ways. I hope this episode gives you some fresh ideas for where to begin. 

With love, 


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby  

What hopes and dreams do you have for your kids? 

Do you want them to do well in school? Have good friends who love and support them? Build a successful career doing what they love? Find a healthy, loving relationship some day and start a family of their own?

As both a marriage and family therapist and a parent myself, I can tell you that these are the dreams that most parents, including myself, have for their children. And that there’s one skill that’s essential for making all of these dreams and many others a reality: empathy. 

Empathy is the ability to understand another person’s emotional experience, and to connect with it from a compassionate place. Empathetic people have healthier relationships, a wider circle of support, stronger self-esteem, and greater success in every area of life. Fortunately, we all have the power to help our kids hone their empathy, and this episode of the podcast will help you do that. 

My guest is Georgi B., a marriage counselor and parent coach on our team at Growing Self. Georgi is sharing some valuable parenting tips on teaching empathy to kids. You won’t want to miss this conversation — this topic is so important, and it goes so much deeper than you think!

I hope you’ll join us. 

With love,

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Direct download: Empathetic_Children.mp3
Category:parenting, marriage -- posted at: 3:45pm MDT

We have all been there… witnessing our Ex move on without us. As both a therapist and breakup recovery coach who has walked with many people through the breakup recovery process, as well as a fellow human, I know that if you’re in the early stages of getting over a breakup or recovering after divorce, it can feel like a flaming knife is stabbing you in the gut when your Ex moves on with someone else. What’s worse, it can feel impossible to think about anything else. 


How are you supposed to focus on your own life and your own recovery when you can’t stop imagining your Ex cuddling up with a new partner? How can you let go and move forward when you’re stuck in a painful obsession? 


I created this episode about “How to Deal when Your Ex Moves On” to answer these questions and others. You’ll learn why you can’t stop thinking about your Ex’s new relationship, and the powerful cognitive skills that will help you shift your focus.  


I hope you’ll join me, and that you’ll find this episode helpful in your healing process. 


With love, 


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

“I want a divorce.”
It’s one of the most alarming sentences a married person can hear. And — in one way or another — it means that your marriage is about to change. 

But it doesn’t always mean that your marriage is about to end.

When your spouse asks you for a divorce, it breaks one of two ways: it either leads to a “transformational crisis” where couples make positive and often long-overdue changes to their relationship, or it’s the beginning of the end.

I want you and your husband or wife to have the first outcome. That’s why I created this episode of the podcast for you. I wanted to give you some guidance for navigating this incredibly scary situation, based on my work with countless couples over the years who pulled their marriages back from the brink of divorce. I know from experience that it is often possible to stop a divorce and save your marriage, but only if you manage this relationship crisis effectively. My hope is that this episode of the podcast will help you do that. 

Later on, I’m joined by Rich Harris, a family law attorney in the Denver area who knows a lot about the other side of this issue. Rich is offering advice about where to begin if you aren’t able to save your marriage (although his team at the Harris Law Firm has seen many couples reconcile, even after their divorce cases were well underway). 

I hope this episode helps you find clarity, direction, and peace of mind. 

With love, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Is untreated ADHD causing trouble in your relationship?


“My partner doesn’t listen to me. He agrees to do something, and then he ‘forgets.’ I feel like he just doesn’t care. He didn’t even bother to get me a card for our anniversary…” 


Sound familiar? Many couples arrive in counseling with a list of issues like these, and no awareness of one likely culprit: ADHD. The condition not only creates setbacks at work and in school, it can cause all kinds of misunderstandings in relationships, particularly when ADHD is undiagnosed and unmanaged.


That’s why I created this episode of the podcast for you. I wanted to talk about the under-discussed impact of ADHD in relationships, so you can get the support you need if it’s becoming an issue for you and your partner. 


My Guest is Dori, a couples counselor, sex therapist, and ADHD coach on our team here at Growing Self. Funny enough, this topic hits close to home for both Dori and myself…like, extremely close. Tune in for more on that!


I hope our conversation gives you a new perspective on ADHD, and how you can manage it while keeping your relationship healthy and strong.


With love, 


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Are there emotional vampires lurking all around you? 

Unfortunately, this isn’t a problem you can solve with a garlic necklace or some holy water. An “emotional vampire” (or “energy vampire”) is a very unscientific term for a person who stirs up strong emotional reactions in others — like anger, pity, discomfort, or annoyance. Not only do they not take accountability for this, they seem to feed off of it. They drain your time, energy, and emotional wherewithal, and give you little in exchange. 

If a relationship is feeling bad, it could be that you’re dealing with one of these exhausting personality types. But sometimes, it’s more about the ingredients that you’re bringing to the table (or not bringing to the table). Many people need some help telling the difference, and I created this episode about “warding off emotional vampires” to make it a little easier. You’ll learn why certain people trigger you (while other people get along with them just fine), and how you can prevent emotional vampires from bleeding you dry. 

Happy Halloween, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby 

Direct download: Emotional_Vampires.mp3
Category:How to, Relationships, Self Improvement, Mental Health -- posted at: 3:47pm MDT

Learning how to face your fears productively can give you clarity, direction, and — ironically — peace of mind.

No one likes to feel afraid, but fear can be a powerful tool for living the life you want to live. Fear will alert you when you’re not living in alignment with your goals and your values. If you can face your fear and take wisdom from it, you can open doors that you wouldn’t otherwise have the clarity or the motivation to open. 

Today’s podcast is all about facing your fears. I’m talking about why we feel fear, how fear can illuminate what’s most important to us, and how you can take guidance from your fear to live more fully and more in alignment with your values. 

With love, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Red flags in relationships aren’t always easy to spot. Even when we do pick up on them, they can be easy to dismiss. If you’re a hopeful, optimistic, generous person, you’re probably pretty good at making excuses for questionable behavior from others, and at thinking of opportunities to improve difficult situations when it would really be in your best interest to walk away. 

Furthermore, you may have a hard time spotting red flags in relationships because of your own personal history. Sometimes, our past experiences can distort our natural sense of what’s good for us and what’s not, which is a problem that working with a good therapist or a qualified life coach can help you resolve. By learning to trust your own instincts and recognize red flags, you can choose healthy relationships that add joy and love to your life. 

Tune into this episode to hear actionable advice on red flags in relationships, and how you can navigate them when they do arise. My guest is Dr. Paige M., a couples counselor and individual therapist on the team at Growing Self. Dr. Paige is sharing some insightful tips that can save you a lot of stress and heartache — you don’t want to miss this one. 

With love, 


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby 

Over the past few decades, we’ve made some huge strides toward building equality in our relationships. It’s no longer rare for a woman to be her family’s primary breadwinner, or to see a dad perusing the produce aisle with a Baby Bjorn strapped to his chest. 

Yet, for many couples who arrive in couples counseling or relationship coaching, the division of household labor is still a perennial source of conflict and resentment. Many couples still fall into traditional gender roles when it comes to who’s doing the cleaning, the cooking, and the shopping, even though it’s now the norm for both partners to work full-time. 

Furthermore, tasks or roles associated with “women’s work” are often viewed as being less valuable and important than activities associated with traditional male roles. Even relationships between career-focused women and stay-at-home dads can have issues with power imbalances and inequality because we value these types of work differently based on our attitudes about gender.

Relationships that feel imbalanced and unfair are not only bad for the partner who’s doing most of the daily household tasks. They’re bad for the relationship itself, and for both partners inside of it. Becoming truly equal partners is often the path to creating a happier, more connected, and more fulfilling relationship (and, interestingly, a better sex life), and that’s what we’re discussing on today’s episode of the podcast. 

My guest is Kate Mangino, a gender expert, speaker, and the author of “Equal Partners: Improving Gender Equality at Home.” Kate is sharing wisdom from her extensive social science research, her two decades of work within the international development sector, as well her own life and relationship, to help you find more balance and create a truly equal partnership that feels fair and fulfilling. 

I hope you’ll tune in to this important conversation on equality in relationships, which not only applies to heterosexual couples, but to anyone who has some internalized gender scripts to interrogate (in other words, everyone!)


With love, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

When you become a step-parent, you’re walking into a tricky situation. You may have the warmest feelings for your step-kids and a heartfelt desire to be a positive figure in their lives, and still find yourself thrust into the role of “wicked step-mother” (or step-father), with the pain of their parents’ broken marriage heaped onto your back… while your partner stands by helplessly.

As a longtime marriage counselor, I know blended family problems like these are common, and incredibly challenging to overcome. It’s one of the reasons I advise couples to seek blended family counseling as a preventative measure, before problems arise. I also advise taking a very thoughtful approach to blending your families, and examining your expectations for what the role of step-parent will look and feel like. 


Listen to “the dos and don’ts of step-parenting” to get real-deal advice on how to avoid the most common step parenting mistakes, and learn an approach to step-parenting that helps you release unhelpful expectations so you can create a happy, harmonious blended family.


With love, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

What is your apology language? And, more importantly… what’s your partner’s? 

As an experienced marriage counselor and couples therapist, I know that apologizing is an essential skill for healthy relationships

But not all apologies are created equal. Just as partners must learn to speak each other’s love languages to help each other feel cared for, they must also learn to apologize in ways that feel meaningful to their partner and pave the way to genuine forgiveness.

Tune in to learn all about apology languages, the anatomy of a good apology, and how you can repair “relationship injuries” and get things back on track with the people you love the most. 


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Direct download: Apology_Languages.mp3
Category:How To, Self Help, Relationships, Mental Health, Marriage -- posted at: 4:00pm MDT

On today’s episode of the podcast, we’re covering a topic that doesn’t get nearly the attention it deserves: the unique challenges of maintaining a relationship when you or your partner are members of the military, and how you can keep your military relationship healthy and strong. 

If you or your partner (or both of you!) are service members, you know that the military can feel like a mistress, always meddling on the edges of your relationship… and sometimes high-jacking it completely. No matter how in love with each other you are, or how committed to your partnership you feel, it’s hard to be moved from place to place because of distant orders that you had little or no say in. It’s hard to have a career that takes you away from your partner and your children for extended periods of time. It’s hard to take care of everything on the home front by yourself, especially if you’re stationed far away from family and friends. 

And it can be especially hard to find a marriage counselor or a long-distance relationship counselor who understands these unique challenges, and how to help military couples overcome them. Luckily, we have just such an expert joining us on this episode of the podcast. Jesse S., M.S, LMFT, is a marriage counselor and relationship coach here at Growing Self. He’s also a member of the military with over two decades of service, currently serving in the Connecticut National Guard as a First Sergeant in the 141st Ground Ambulance Unit. In addition to treating bodily wounds, he’s passionate about helping other service members heal and grow as individuals, and within their relationships. Today, he’s sharing his insight and guidance with you. I hope you’ll join us!

With love, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

When you’re crushing on somebody, you’re not dreaming about how supportive they’d be if your mother was in the hospital, or how adept they’ll be at receiving your feedback in the midst of a furious argument. No — you’re much too focused on how cute their eyes look when they smile, or how nice they smell. 


That’s because we’re attracted to people based on their physical appearance, and their personalities (insofar as we can know someone’s personality within a few months of dating).


This isn’t because we’re all shallow jerks — it’s just that we’re biologically primed to hone in on the qualities that make for an excellent short-term mate (short-term as in, long enough to make a baby and keep it alive until it can walk), rather than the deep personal qualities that actually make for a good life partner


Whether you’re dating or in a relationship, it’s to your benefit to learn about these deeper qualities, so that you can recognize them in others and cultivate them in yourself. If you can focus on character over chemistry in your relationships, you can create a partnership that’s healthy, strong, and truly built to last. 


On this episode of the podcast, I’m going to tell you how. Using insight I’ve gained through working with countless couples over the years in marriage counseling and relationship coaching, I’m going to tell you what actually makes a good life partner — and how you can develop your own “good partner” skills to create better relationships. 


With Love, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

It’s no secret that good communication is the key ingredient to a healthy relationship. But, as we all know, couples communication can be challenging — especially when you're under stress.


When you and your partner are under stress, communication gets hard. It’s so easy to forget everything you know about active listening and “I-statements” when you’re feeling emotionally elevated, and to slip into a communication style that’s heavy on criticism, blame, and defensiveness. This tendency is totally human — but it’s also a bad habit that we all must overcome for our relationships to truly thrive. 


On this episode of the podcast, we’re discussing couples communication strategies that will not only help you manage feelings of stress without damaging your relationship, but that will tap into the power of your deep love and support for each other so you can get through stressful times while strengthening your connection. 


My guest is Silas H., M.S., MFTC, a couples counselor and relationship coach on our team at Growing Self. Silas has helped many couples improve their communication patterns and overcome adversity as a team, and he’s sharing his original and highly actionable advice with you today. 


All of this and more is here for you. I hope you’ll join us!




Dr. Lisa Marie bobby

All couples have differences, and having “spirited conversations” (aka, “conflict”) as you work towards resolving them is a normal part of every healthy relationship.

That said, there are certain types of relationship conflict and emotional experiences that you should never minimize, or underestimate the importance of.

These are the warning signs your relationship may be in real trouble, and when those are happening it's vital to deal with them. Understanding what they are can help you take positive action to repair your relationship so that you can heal your bond.

Learn about the six signs your relationship is in trouble, and what to do if they’re present, on this episode of the podcast. 

Your partner in growth, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Is it hard for you to trust your partner, or feel secure with them? If you've ever caught yourself double checking them (and then wondering to yourself, "Do I have trust issues?") this podcast is for you.

We're talking about what trust issues are (and what they are not), signs of trust issues, what causes trust issues, how unresolved trust issues damage relationships, and what you can do to overcome them — so you can feel confident and secure.

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Ps: Access all the resources I mention in this podcast on the blog at!

Are you in a codependent relationship? If so you're probably feeling anxious, frustrated, and exhausted from trying to create positive change in your relationship single-handedly. (Or feeling like you're never quite good enough to meet the standards of your partner). Not fun for anyone!

On today's episode, we're taking a deep dive into codependent relationships. Listen, and learn:

- What codependent relationships are

- Why they happen

- The stages of codependency recovery

- How you can get un-fused from each other so that you can both grow and flourish.

How to stop being codependent: All for you!


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Managing Up for Career Success

Have you ever worked in a truly terrible environment? Think back to that job now. What made it so bad? 

If you’re like most people, the difference between a great job and a horrible job doesn’t have all that much to do with the work itself. Instead, it usually comes down to your relationships with your coworkers — and especially your relationship with your boss. 

Having a positive, healthy relationship with your boss, based on genuine trust and respect, makes your working life so much easier, and ultimately helps you both reach your career goals. 

So how can you build that kind of relationship? And how can you repair your relationship with your boss if it’s not off to a great start? 

On today's episode, we are talking about “managing up,” a professional development strategy that will help you build better working relationships, find more satisfaction on the job and remove the trickiest obstacles between you and your ultimate career goals. 

In this episode, we discuss…

[00:58] What Is Managing Up?

[14:19] What Managing Up Is Not

[24:15] Why Managing Up Matters

[34:53] How to Manage Up at Work 

My guest is Dr. Lisa S., PhD, LPC, CCC. She is a career coach and counselor at Growing Self, as well as the past president of both the National Career Development Association and the Colorado Career Development Association. Today, she shares her insight and wisdom with you. 

I hope you’ll join the “Doctors Lisa” for this lively and useful conversation about building an empowered, satisfying career by learning how to manage up.


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

No matter how secure your relationship is otherwise, it hurts when you feel sexually rejected by your partner. That’s because sexuality is vulnerable and often bound up with our feelings of love, and worthiness — particularly if one of your top love languages is physical touch.


Every long-term relationship involves some ebbs and flows in sexual desire, but how you manage those fluctuations matters — especially if you're feeling hurt, or resentful. To help you approach these conversations with vulnerability, empathy, courage, and grace, I’ve invited my colleague Dori B. to join me on this podcast episode. 


Dori is a certified sex therapist and couples counselor here at Growing Self, and she’s helped countless couples navigate differences in sexual desire, while building even better relationships in the process. Today, she’s sharing her wisdom and guidance with you. 


I hope you’ll join us for her warm, actionable advice about handling hurt feelings related to sex, and getting back in synch with your partner.



Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby


People often wonder, “Is jealousy healthy in a relationship?” 

Here’s the short answer: It depends. Jealousy can be healthy when it signals that it’s time to draw your partner close in response to a real or imagined threat. This is a good thing that helps preserve and strengthen your relationship — but only if you’re able to handle jealousy in a self-aware, intentional way.

When jealousy gets out of control (particularly if it’s due to past relational trauma, rather than a current relational threat), it can be a destructive force that harms your relationship, your partner, and you. 

In this episode, we’re talking about jealousy’s ancient roots, when it’s healthy and when it’s a problem, and how you can use feelings of jealousy to start important conversations, establish healthy boundaries, and strengthen your relationship. 

Tune in for a discussion about:

[03:23] What is Romantic Jealousy?

[09:49] What Causes Jealousy in a Relationship?

[17:49] When Jealousy is Healthy 

[23:56] What to Do When You’re Feeling Jealous

[41:56] When Jealousy Turns Abusive

[46:01] Learning from Your Jealousy

And more! 


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

“Believe in yourself” is more than a soundbite. It’s a necessary ingredient in a happy, self-directed life. 

It’s also easier said than done. If you (like basically everyone) have internal narratives about the things you can’t do or changes you can’t make, you’re going to need more than a pep talk or some positive affirmations to shake those narratives loose. You’re going to need a self-belief-building plan. 

On this episode of the podcast, we’re discussing how to believe in yourself, and the real steps you can take to build self-confidence, self-efficacy, and self-esteem, so you can start living life by your own design.

Our guest is Elise R., M.Ed., NCC, CCC, LPCC. Elise is a therapist, life coach, and “holistic life design” expert here at Growing Self. After helping countless people build their self-belief and reach their most ambitious goals, she’s sharing her sage wisdom and actionable advice with you. 

We are discussing:

- Self-efficacy
- Shifting internally
- Raising kids that believe in themselves
- Mastering experiences
- Building an empowered career
- and more! 

I hope you enjoy this episode and find the power of believing in yourself! You deserve it. 

With love, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Eating is one of the most basic ways we care for ourselves every day. But having an unhealthy relationship with food can leave you feeling stressed, emotionally drained, and bad about yourself, rather than nourished, energized and empowered. 


Unfortunately, many of us have a fraught relationship with food. Emotional eating, shame, and anxiety around food or body image, and negative cultural messages about what we “should” be doing or how we “should” look, can get in the way of mindful, compassionate, and self-aware eating practices. 


Intuitive eating is all about listening to yourself, trusting yourself, and having a positive relationship with the food that nourishes your body and brings you pleasure. 


Today we're talking about how to shift from emotional to intuitive eating with an intuitive eating counselor who’s sharing some radical wisdom for making peace with food and your body. Tune in to learn all about: 


[03:53] Emotional eating


[07:32] Unhealthy relationships with food


[17:06] Changing your relationship with food


[23:29] Adopting healthier coping mechanisms


And much more.  


With love, 


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Direct download: Healthy_Relationship_With_Food_v2.mp3
Category:How to, Self Improvement, Mental Health -- posted at: 4:00pm MDT

Are we a good fit? Do we have enough in common? Is my partner really “The One?” 

Personality type compatibility in relationships isn’t about being alike or agreeing on everything — it’s about learning to understand your differences and use them for the benefit of each other and the relationship. 

In today's episode, you’ll learn all about what really makes a couple compatible, and how you can harness your differences for a stronger relationship.

With love, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

We all dream of having a close, connected relationship that fulfills us on every level. If you're feeling lonely in a relationship, it hurts. It can be hard to know how to reconnect, especially if the distance has been growing for a while — or if negativity has crept in.

Deep connection is created through the intentional cultivation of emotional intimacy. In this episode, we’re exploring how to do that, so you can create the loving, satisfying relationship you want and deserve.

With love to you both, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Direct download: LonelyMarriage.mp3
Category:How To, Self Help, Relationships, Mental Health, Marriage -- posted at: 3:59pm MDT

Dealing with control freaks is aggravating, but when you know what’s behind it, it’s easier to have understanding and empathy for them — and also create healthier boundaries for yourself. 

In this episode, you'll learn all about the psychology of the control freak: What drives their behavior, and how you can maintain a relationship with the control freak(s) in your life while still being authentically yourself.


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby


Our relationships are priceless. They can’t be bought, they can only be built. Without them, our lives would be empty.  But all of that is easy to forget when you’re in the midst of a furious argument with your partner, or anyone you love. When we’re emotionally elevated, we say and do things that damage our connections with others. But it doesn’t have to be that way — conflict can be an opportunity for deeper connection and better relationships. 

On today’s episode, internationally recognized marriage counselor and author Terry Real shares how to get past "you and me" to build your "we." Tune in for advice on shedding the individualist mindset and bringing more love into your life.

Made with love, for you!

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

On today’s episode we’re discussing the unwelcome territory we all have to navigate eventually: life after loss. 

Whether you’ve lost a loved one, a dream, a job, or a relationship, adjusting to your new reality requires a grieving process. Giving yourself permission to fully mourn heals you, and fosters new growth too.

In this episode, I'm speaking with two expert grief counselors about coping with grief and loss, finding peace, and moving forward when it feels like you can’t.

If you've experienced a loss, I'm sorry... and this one is for you.

With love, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Should you be friends with your ex?

After a divorce or breakup, being friends with an ex can seem appealing, especially if you're co-parenting. Making the transition from partners to pals is possible. But without radical self-honesty and clear intentions, it can be challenging — and may even create new problems.

Can you be friends with your ex? If so, how do you go about this transition in a healthy way? That's what we're exploring, in this episode.

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Every committed couple begins with the best of intentions, believing they’ll love each other forever.

But we all know it doesn’t always work out that way. The truth is that people often accidentally damage their relationships beyond the point of repair... without even realizing it. 

Today, we’re talking about the real, hidden reasons why relationships fail, so you can take positive action now to keep yours healthy and strong. 

With love, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Direct download: Why_Relationships_Fail.mp3
Category:How to, Relationships, Self Improvement, Mental Health -- posted at: 3:57pm MDT

Why do we react the way we do? Attachment styles in relationships are a powerful force. Understanding your attachment style, as well as that of your partner, can help you create a more compassionate partnership.

In this episode, you'll learn about attachment patterns, identify yours and your partner's, and how to develop healthy and secure relationship systems.

With love, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Confidence is sexy. But when you're dating —and dealing with the rejection modern dating involves — it takes a toll on your confidence. Oh the irony.

Fortunately, building confidence in dating is possible, if you know how. On this episode, we’re discussing how to build your self-confidence, bounce back from rejection, and continue to put yourself out there until you find the love you want and deserve.

All for you, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

We all use stories to make sense of the world and our place in it. But what happens when the stories we tell ourselves hold us back, make us feel bad about ourselves, or force us into boxes that don’t fit who we truly are? 

When you change your story, you change your life. In this episode, you'll learn how to tap into your unconscious narratives, challenge them, and then rewrite your story to create the life you want.

Here's to your empowerment!
Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

A happy, loving, healthy relationship is the most valuable thing you can have. But so many people struggle in this area, and without understanding the signs of a healthy relationship, it’s hard to know how to begin making it better.

This podcast will teach you all about the fundamentals of healthy relationships.

FYI, this comes in two parts: First, listen to the podcast. Then, take the "How Healthy is Your Relationship" quiz, to discover the strengths and growth opportunities in yours.

All the best, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Direct download: How_healthy_is_your_relationship_podcast_v.2.mp3
Category:Relationships -- posted at: 2:00pm MDT

Commitment: I know the word alone is enough to send a shiver up the spine of many a listener. And for the partners of the commitment-adverse, it’s not any easier. If commitment issues are present in your relationship, it’s likely to become a sore subject. You’re probably feeling a bit rejected, and you may be wondering if there’s any way forward. On today’s episode of the podcast, we’re going to be exploring the path of dealing with commitment issues, so you can get unstuck!

Dr. Lisa

Direct download: Commitment_Issues.mp3
Category:Self Help, Relationships, Life Coaching, Changing Habits -- posted at: 2:00pm MDT

We all know that procrastination is a recipe for disaster leading to stress, rushing around, and disappointing people (including yourself.) Yet the little voice that says “let’s do it later” can be hard to resist. 


On today’s show I’m sharing new ideas and a fresh perspective that will help you use your natural strengths to focus on (and do!) the most important things… and stop beating yourself up about the rest. 


Stop procrastinating! Listen now! ;) 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

If you find yourself with partners who mistreat you again and again, it’s time to explore that pattern, so you can find a healthy relationship. On today’s episode of the podcast, we’re talking about why you keep dating jerks, and the steps you can take to break free from bad relationships and find real, healthy love.

You deserve it!


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Direct download: Why_You_Keep_Dating_Jerks.mp3
Category:Dating, Relationships -- posted at: 4:16pm MDT

Wonderful, healthy and fun relationships can seem magical. But the truth is that awesome relationships don't happen "magically." Not at all. Long-term couples who love their relationships are simply reaping the rewards of the intentional effort they've put in to their partnerships.

Sounds easy, right?

In theory, it is. But here's the issue: No one teaches you how to have a fantastic relationship. So even though many people would love to have a stronger, more satisfying connection with their partner and would be very happy to do the working of making their good relationship great... they literally do not know what, exactly, to do differently.

The intention is there, but the knowledge is not.

To fill this knowledge gap, award-winning documentary film director Roger Nygard spent over seven years sitting down with the thought leaders in the fields of marriage counseling and couples therapy to get ALL THE ANSWERS. 

The result is his film, The Truth About Marriage. And he's here on the podcast with me today to share all his insights and discoveries with YOU.

For love, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Direct download: What_Happy_Couples_Know.mp3
Category:Self Improvement, Relationships, Mental Health -- posted at: 10:00am MDT

Recognizing that the life you’ve created is not the one you actually want is an uncomfortable experience. But, believe it or not — it’s good. Why? It allows you to reflect, and recalibrate.

Whether you're in your 20s or your 30s having a “quarter-life crisis” is your chance to reconnect with who you are now, reimagine your future, and pivot in the direction of the life you want.

On this episode of the podcast, we’re talking about how you can use a quarter-life crisis as a launchpad for a new chapter of growth and success.

Here's to you!

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Was that a compliment, or a jab? Did they really “not see” your text, or are they punishing you? On this episode of the podcast, we’re talking about how to deal with passive-aggressive people, so you can stand up for yourself with compassion and confidence. 

With love, 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Ready to make a big, positive change in your career? This may just be your moment. On this episode of the podcast I'm discussing the Great Resignation  with a master career coach, who's sharing ALL kinds of tips and ideas to help you seize this opportunity to create a career you love — whether or not you decide to quit your job.

All for you! 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Direct download: The_Great_Resignation_-_Second_Draft.mp3
Category:Career Coaching -- posted at: 4:44pm MDT

Secret spending or hidden debts are a unique type of infidelity that is not often discussed. This kind of financial betrayal creates major relationship issues, and takes a special healing process to mend.

Fortunately, it is possible to save your marriage after financial infidelity, and to come through it together, stronger and more solvent than ever before. In this episode of the podcast, I’m discussing how to heal after financial infidelity, with an expert in financial counseling for couples.

I hope you listen, or share this episode with someone in your life who should! 


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

We all carry around at least a little emotional baggage from past relationships. But by seeking out new, healthy experiences with safe people, we have the power to help ourselves heal and grow.

Today, we’re talking about healing relationships, and how you can create positive experiences with others that help you become a happier, healthier version of you.

Join me! 

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Do you have a hard time saying no? Do you feel guilty when you can’t do what others want? If so, you may struggle with people pleasing, a habit that can add a lot of stress to your life and resentment to your relationships.

Never fear — this episode of the Love, Happiness and Success podcast is full of tips for how to stop saying yes to everything, and start prioritizing your own authentic wellbeing.

Do you ever look at your teen and wonder, who is this person? Your child is on the path to adulthood, and they are bound to do some confounding things along the way. If you’re parenting a teen, this episode of the podcast is for you. We’re talking about keeping your bond with your child strong, while being the parent your teen needs.


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Direct download: Parenting_Teens.mp3
Category:parenting, marriage -- posted at: 4:25pm MDT

If you’re navigating the pandemic dating scene, you know how many minefields it contains. But if you're like many singles, the past two years have been a time of inner expansion and self-development as well. Of course, your inner transformation shows up in your love life too — often in very positive and empowering ways.

Join me and my pal, OK Cupid's resident dating expert Damona Hoffman, for a conversation about how to bring this authentic "new you" into your new relationships in 2022 — as well as timeless advice on creating true and lasting love in every phase of life.


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Direct download: Dating_During_Coronavirus_LHS.mp3
Category:Self-Improvement, Mental Health, Relationships -- posted at: 4:00pm MDT

George Floyd’s murder in 2020 sparked an outpouring of grief, and a renewed motivation to change the world for the better. But to truly fight racism we first have to look inside ourselves.

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I'm re-releasing this episode about antiracism, and the steps you can take to create a more just, peaceful world.

xoxo, Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Direct download: LHS_BecomingAntiRacist_First_Edit.mp3
Category:Mental Health, Self Improvement -- posted at: 10:00am MDT

Worried about how divorce will affect your kids? On today’s episode of the Love, Happiness, and Success Podcast, we’re talking about divorce with kids, and the best way to support your children if you're navigating the end of your marriage (or thinking about it).

I hope this episode helps you find clarity and confidence about the next best steps for you and your family.


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby